Sunday, March 19, 2017






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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


狼行千里吃肉,马行千里吃草,活鱼逆流而上,死魚随波逐流。有这么一句话我非常欣赏:" 真的很累吗?累就对了,舒服是留给死人的!



Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Things to do in Batanes

Sabtang Island 
Chosen as one of the 12 Best Destinations in the Philippines by the Department of Tourism in 1994, this island southwest of Batan Island remains undisturbed and unspoiled. It has intermittent white sand beaches, steep mountains, and deep canyons with small level areas sporadically found along the coastline. Accessible in 30 minutes by falowa from Radiwan Port in Ivana. Also the take off point for Ivuhos Island from Barangay Nakanmuan.
Itbayat Island 
Located north of Batan Island, it is surrounded by massive boulders and cliffs rising from 20-70 feet above sea level and has no shoreline. It has a dirt airstrip for light aircraft. Ferries run the Batan-Itbayat route; travel time is about four hours by falowa from the Basco Seaport. Light planes fly from Basco Airport to Itbayat in 12-minute trips at PhP700.00/pax.
Batan Island 
The center of commerce and seat of the provincial government. The most populated island of the province, it is composed of the municipalities of Basco, Ivana, Uyugan, and Mahatao.

Mount Iraya 
A dormant volcano standing at 1,517 meters whose last eruption was recorded in 505 AD. Ideal for mountaineering, trekking, and trailblazing. It is a walking distance from Basco and can be climbed to the top in about three hours.

Mavudis Island 
The northernmost island of Batanes. "tatus" or coconut crabs abound in this island surrounded by rich marine life.

Di-atay Beach 
A beautiful cove with multi-colored rocks and white sand. Ideal for picnics and beach combing. Located along the national highway between Mahatao and Ivana; 9.85 kilometers from Basco.

(Chadpidan Bay). Famous for its beautiful sunset view and big stone boulders. It is three kilometers or an hour of exhilarating trek from Basco proper. Naidi Hills. A walking distance from Basco.

Chawa Cave
Believed to be an enchanted cave, it has a natural salt bed and a mouth that opens to the South China Sea and is accessible through the boulders of Chawa Point in Mahatao. Located four kilometers from Basco.

Nakabuang Cave 
Located 5.5 kilometers from San Vicente Centro in Sabtang.

Mt. Matarem 
An extinct volcano measuring 495 meters at its summit. Located eight kilometers from Basco.

White Beach 
Located in Vatang, Hapnit, and Mavatuy Point at Mahatao.

Popular activity at Marlboro Hills and Naidi Hills.

Popular activity at Madiwedved, Mahatao.

Bird Watching at Cuyab 
Observe the migratory birds from China that flock the islands in search of a warmer climate every October.

San Jose Church 
(Ivana). Built in 1814 although its foundation dates back to 1795. Of all the old churches in Batanes, it is the only one that was not built in the espadana style. It has a crenellated fortress-like campanile or belltower that gives the appearance of a fortification. Fronts the Ivana Seaport and offers a commanding view of the sea and surrounding countryside due to its elevation. Located 14 kilometers from Basco.

San Carlos Borromeo Church & Convent 
(Mahatao). Founded in 1789 and built in 1873, it has a facade modeled after that of Basco Cathedral, with two round arches at roof level for the bells. On its outer walls are massive buttresses that used to serve as stairways to the roof - a thing of convenience in the olden days when frequent repairs had to be made to the cogon grass roofing. The church still retains its centuries-old features. Located six kilometers from Basco.

Church of Sto. Domingo de Basco (Basco Cathedral) 
>Established in 1783, it is the oldest and most important church in Batanes. To give the facade stability and strength against earthquakes and typhoon winds, the church walls were buttressed with massive pilasters from foundation to top. The church is dedicated to the Immaculate Concepcion, patroness of Batanes.

San Vicente Ferrer Church 
(Sabtang Island). Another church modeled after the one in Basco. Following an unfortunate incident in 1790, when Spanish emissaries sent to procure goods from the parish were killed by some natives, the people of Sabtang were forcibly resettled across the channel to Ivana and not allowed to return until 1844 when the foundations of the present church were laid.

Kanyuyan Beach & Port 
(Baluarte Bay, Basco). The port of call of the cargo ships bringing goods from Manila.

Special Interest 
Sitio Jura at Racujaide 
The fishermens village at Mananoy Bay. Fishing season is marked by a festival in mid-March called Payvanuvanuan during which visitors are treated with fresh fish delicacies from the Pacific Ocean. Within the area is the legendary spring of Youth and a living cave with crystal limestone formations. Mananoy Bay is nine kilometers from Basco proper.

Batanes Day (June 26) 
Marked with playground demonstrations, parades, the Palu-palo Festival, and other cultural events.

Feast of Three Kings (January 6)
On this day, the image of the Sto. Nino (Holy Child) is venerated in every home in Batanes.

Ruins of Songsong 
A ghost barangay which is really a cluster of roofless shells of old stone houses abandoned after a tidal wave that hit the island of Batan in the 1950s. The area has a long stretch of beach. Located 23 kilometers from Basco.

Radiwan Point 
Located at Ivana Seaport. Landing site of the Katipuneros on September 18, 1898. Also the ferry station of the falowas plying the islands of Sabtang and Itbayat.

Hotels in Batanes

Batanes Resort
inquiries: tel 9229621 local 327 or 332 (Ivatan Center in Quezon City)

Single Bed
P550.00 per day

Double Bed
P672.00 per day

Triple Bed
P764.00 per day

P1,528 per cottage per day
Capacity: 6 cottages, 12 rooms - 36 persons capacity

Batanes Seaside Lodge and Restaurant
inquiries: tel 0981-993613 (phone is located at the hotel in Basco)

Ivatan Lodge
One person per room
P100 per day

Two or more persons,
maximum 6

P400 per day

Shanedel's Inn and Café
Per head
P150 per day

Lodging including meals
P450 per day

Pension Ivatan Visit
Per head
P980 per day

If you are new to Batanes and if you know somebody there, you may decide to ask if you could stay with them. It makes your stay cheaper and they can be your guide during your stay.

Batanes Travel Tips
Traveling to Batanes is an adventure. Here are a few tips to make your stay more enjoyable. Before reaching Batanes you should have:
- enough cash with you, your credit card is not accepted (no communication facilities yet to support it)

- if you are traveling from abroad, you may decide to convert your dollars (or other foreign currencies) to local currency while you're in Manila. Exchange rate is more competitive in Manila.

- If you lost something while in Batanes (such as wallet, bag or other personal belongings) you can go to the radio station (Radyo ng Bayan) to announce it. Likewise, local people who have found something usually bring it to the radio station to be announced. Its not unusual that lost wallet or even large amount of cash can be safely returned to the rightful owner.

- bring with you comfortable clothing and outdoor shoes, you'll surely find yourself walking along the shore lines or trekking on the hills.

-Don't forget to bring with you your personal things such as medicines enough for your stay, flashlight, camera (with extra films and batteries), flight tickets and identification papers, raincoat/umbrella if you're visiting during rainy season.

- Batanes is continuing its efforts to preserve its natural resources. Help them by keeping your surroundings clean and avoiding damages in its natural resources. The beaches are free but you're expected to be responsible enough to clean your surrounding when you leave.

- Remember that you are only allowed 10 kilos of free check-in baggage during your flight to and from Batanes. Excess baggage costs around P45.00 per kilo. So travel lightly.

-Flights may be canceled due to bad weather, make enough allowances on your schedules and cash in your pocket. 

Getting to Batanes

By Sea 
The Batanes Multi-Purpose Cooperative now carries the MV Ivatan Princess which runs the Currimao, Ilocos Norte - Basco, Batanes route. It leaves Ilocos Norte at 8pm on Wednesdays and Sundays and arrives in Basco at 4pm the next day. From Basco, it leaves at 3pm on Tuesdays and10 pm on Fridays. Fare is PhP1,200 and travel time is about 18 hours. Contact Mr. Antonio Castro at Mobile No. (0917) 793-0102.

By Air 
SEAIR flies to Batanes from Manila three times a week using a 19-seater Let 410 with the following schedules: Manila 6am to Laoag City 7:30am, Mondays, PhP2,000; Laoag City 8am to Basco 9am or Basco 9:30am to Laoag City 10:30am, Wednesdays, PhP1,950; Laoag City 11am to Manila 12:30pm, Fridays, PhP2,000. Fare excludes Insurance Fee of PhP150 and Security Fee of PhP15. Contact Ms. Marina Arma at Tel. No. (02) 714-2218.

CHEMTRAD which flies the Tuguegarao-Basco route. Schedule of flights vary especially during peak season but normally flies on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Travel time is around 1 hour and 30 minutes. Fare is around P2,300 one way as of October 2002.

To confirm schedules and reservations, please call CHEMTRAD in Tuguegarao City telephone number 844.3113. Please take note that CHEMTRAD uses a 10 seater aircraft. You might be expecting a big aircraft only to be surprised when you're about to fly. Photo below features 2 CHEMTRAD aircrafts at Basco airport.

Please be informed as well that on some flights there are not enough passengers and if you really need to reach your destination, you may have to pay additional amount to compensate for the vacant seat. The positive side of it is if you're travelling as a group, you can actually arrange your flight schedule as long as you pay the full seating capacity. Its best to confirm these details when you make your reservation.

As of January 28, 2003 the Asian Spirit flight details are as follows:

  • Route: Manila-Basco-Manila (alternate flight via Laoag, Ilocos Norte will be available very soon)
  • Frequency: 3x a week (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)
  • Aircraft: CN 235 (40 seater)
  • Travel time: 2 hours, one-way, direct flight no stop-over
  • Airfare: P3,750.00 plus P150 insurance = P 3,900.00 (Philippine pesos) one way only
  • Departure from Manila: 5am (check-in time starts as early as 3:00am, check-in closes 45 minutes before departure)
  • Allowable baggage: 10 kilos free. Any excess will be paid by the passenger at P40 per kilo

The Ivatan Foundation for Development Communications, Inc. (IFDCI) is the contracted sales manager of Asian Spirit in Batanes. For reservations and further information please call telephone number (02) 533-34-44 / 535-48-51 /535-48-99 or email Manila you can call Asian Spirit sales office at telephone (02) 851-8888. 

An alternative way to reach Batanes is through the M/V Ivatan Princess. The boat carries around 150 passengers. Only limitation is you have to travel to Curimao, Ilocos Norte to where it is docked. For reservations, please call in Manila Mr. Antonio Castro at telephone 0917.7930102 or in Curimao, Ilocos Norte Ms. Evelyn Gonzales at telephone number (0918) 6507405.

And before you book your reservation, please be advised that weather is unpredictable especially after summer days causing flights to be canceled, take this into account when planning your trip to Batanes.