Thursday, July 6, 2017



For your kind information:

Things to do and to exercise due diligence dealing with the broker/ agent:

1) Know your broker well:
- Get a Xerox copy of Her/His ID as a broker and license # and also Xerox copy of her/his NBI Clearance as much as possible.
- if he/she is represented by a small company also try to get the name of the company he/she is working and landline number.
-请仲介提供仲介证明和有其仲介证照号码的证件并将其复印,以及其 NBI 证明(无犯罪证明)的复印本,儘可能要求相关的身份证明文件越多越好。

2) Know the Owner of the Unit:
-Get the complete name of the owner of the unit and contact # from the Broker
-always try to check with the admin building and do verification if the name given to you is really in the admin record of the building.
2) 了解租屋的房东:

3) Deal only with the Broker that will give you a Contract Paper:
-Never be persuading to sweet words of the broker, and insist that no need of contract.
-Always remember that the contract is important to protect you with your interest and your money.
3) 请选择能提供有效合约书的仲介:

4) Always negotiate thru a check payment:
-try to convince if possible payment will be made thru check.
-never give the cash money without Official Receipt or acknowledgement Receipt and the most important is the Contract of the Unit.
4) 请尽量要求仲介用支票支付租金的方式:

5) Never give the money or check without closing the contract:
-Inside the contract make sure the name of the owner is indicated
-there is a Xerox copy ID of the owner (make sure the face is clear and visible )  attached in the contract and been signed.
-never give the money to the broker without the owner consent/ or if the owner is not around
-ask for a Special Power of Attorney wherein stating that any transaction of the broker
is bind and legal. Special power of attorney must be notarized and on dated
5) 绝对不要在合约书未完成的情况下支付支票或现金:

We would like to alert everyone. Must be careful when dealing with agent. 



关于菲律宾买房 杂七杂八

菲律宾买房须知之一 | 黄金地段 | 价格以及如何出租 |

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